
Friday, April 6, 2012


‘La Chambre De Bonne’
‘The Maids Quarters’

Winding through the corridors of the Von Haus Building, I came across an Iron Gate shielding transparent garments stamped with six petal flowers or the same images of the French sitting room that graced the walls. Strictly in shades of black and white, the space embossed a silent untouchable elegance, like silver screen sirens tempting viewers through the luminous screen.
I was tempted back the following day…
Over a rosé I met Denise Sprynskyj, part of the duo behind S!X. She designs the label S!X with Peter Boyd, which they began in 1994.
 “We use a lot of found garments and reconfigure them…the tailored jacket is what a lot of our designs are from. Excavation, deconstruction, and reconstruction have become our signatures…Very few designers were doing that in the 90’s.” ~Denise Sprynskyj
The pieces in the collection held tightly onto that aesthetic of deconstruction and reconstruction. The designs orchestrated precise tailoring with notes of obscure loops and cut-offs that go against what your mind might hold to as the norm for a dress or jacket. 

Designing, teaching, exhibiting internationally, and studying; Denise and Peter have a Renaissance frame of mind. Their career expands beyond one solitary profession. And, of course they are always looking to expand their own learning as well. Currently, working on a PHD on the Process of Design at RMIT and a thesis explaining how S!X differs from  other designers, Denise explained to me how the collection is a research of ‘space.’

“With the wallpaper and clothing featuring the same print, the environment and interior space move off the wall and onto the body. The flowers rep the idea of the hand...hand to cloth.” ~Denise Sprynskyj

 As inspirations and designs change, so does the wallpaper in the studio to thoroughly consume customers with a feeling. This season sees S!X recycling a Paris obsession with lavish silks, black & white, and wall paper of a French sitting room. Denise showed me peeks of the wall paper for next season's collection, but I won't tell what my little eyes saw. Instead, I invite you to take a walk up the stairs of Von Haus on Crossley street into the 'la chambre de bonne'and experience S!X for yourself..


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