“So, what inspires you?” He was a junior student stopping me on the street as he snapped a pic for his fashion thesis. He complimented my style. I awkwardly posed. I knew that what he really wanted was a snap of my studs…
“Right now, I’m inspired by art; in particular graffiti.”
“Where did you get your shoes?”
“Bleecker St.”
“Thanks. Nice meeting you.” He walked away. I felt used for my shoes. But, more than that I felt inspired, so much so I snapped my own pic of my studs against a back drop of graffiti, the ideal setting for a pair of shoes elevated on the plateau of cool.
Graffiti is beautiful and rebelliously cool like Warhol and his soup can days. At first, both were ‘accursed taboos’ by the artistic elite. Then they both sparked their own particular cultural scene before they were copied and commercialized and later idolized.
So, what does a girl with a hobby like that do when she’s in Melbourne for a year? Capture as many cartoons and sketches, tags and engravings of graffiti as she can.
Graffiti is beautiful and rebelliously cool like Warhol and his soup can days. At first, both were ‘accursed taboos’ by the artistic elite. Then they both sparked their own particular cultural scene before they were copied and commercialized and later idolized in museums and galleries.
The studs I wore today were rebelliously cool. They gave my pearl collared blouse a dash of street creed that prompted a fashion student to photograph me and me to photograph the studs and a few cool pictures of graffiti. Inspirations work that way…
So, here are a few graffiti pieces I saw and loved today. I’m sure there will be more to come. And, I’m sure I’ll find myself working towards getting a snapshot of every graffiti work in Melbourne…
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